Sandalwood Fine Carved Decorative Flowerpot


Sandalwood Fine Carved Decorative Flowerpot

This Sandalwood Carved Flower pot is made by National Award Winning Jangid Family- Mahesh Jangid and his two sons Mohit And Rohit. This Flower Pot has 6 Secret Windows and Lord krishna's life stories are carved inside all of them. Scenes details are bellow

This is Sandalwood Carved Decorative Flowerpot, all 6 scenes of this Artpiece are Based on Lord Krishna’s Life Story.
1st scene - Shri vashudeva crossing the river to save baby Krishna’s life.
2nd scene - Shri Krishna eating Butter with his  Brother Balarama,
3rd scene – Shri Krishna Dancing on Kalia Nag and Finished it.
4th scene - shri Krishnaa & Sudama learning in Ashram
5th scene - Shri Krishna playing flute with Radha.
6th scene –Shri Krishna Stolen Cloths of Goppies from tree. (krishna raas leela)
 About Sandalwood:Sandalwood is a class of woods from trees in the genus Santalum. The woods are heavy, yellow, and fine-grained, and unlike many other aromatic woods, they retain their fragrance for decades. Santalum album, or Indian sandalwood, is a small tropical tree, and is the most commonly known source of sandalwood. Indian sandalwood is very sacred in the Hindu Ayurveda and is known in Sanskrit as vhandana. In Hinduism and Ayurveda, sandalwood is thought to bring one closer to the divine. Thus, it is one of the most used holy elements in Hindu and Vedic societies.

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MALJi is an Online Art Gallery by The National Award Winning The Jangid Family!
The World’s Most Exquisite Woodcarvings Are Being Created by National Award Winning  "The Jangid Family" in India. The Jangid Family has 8 National Awards For Sandalwood Carving, The woodcarving artists family of Jaipur who specialise in sandalwood miniature carvings. For this family, it is a tradition that has been passed from one generation to another, and something that they deeply honour.
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Mohit Jangid Artist (


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