A little about National Award Winning "The Jangid Family"

Sh. Malchand Ji Kalakar 
(National Award Winner- 1971 for Sandalwood Miniature Carved Rajasthani Doll)

About Malji Kalakar

MALJI full name is Sh. MALJI Kalakar (National Award Winner- 1971 for Sandalwood Miniature Carved Rajasthani Doll) shree MALJI Jangid From Churu, Rajasthan, was a master sandalwood craftsman who won the national award in 1971 by Former President of India V.V. Giri and a special award the following year from the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. Fifteen years later he died leaving behind a wealth of the most delicate and exquisite carvings for posterity. He also ensured that his traditional skill as a sandalwood carver was passed on to his children and grandchildren. Though sandalwood is no longer easily available, the skill has stayed alive in the Jangid family. Now this work has been going on from generations. the work function of sandal wood intricately carved to play in a manner standing tradition in this art today. 

Story of Malji Kalakar

MALJI JANGID, was an artist par excellence who was self-taught in the art of miniature carving on sandalwood. He had once told his children that he had seen a dream where God asked him to do miniature carvings to earn a living. He lived up to the dream and soon sat down to work. People in the sleepy town of Churu disregarded his words as that of a maverick. Soon afterwards, when his exquisite carving was ready, it caught the attention of a local businessman. Such was the impact of his skill on the businessman that MALJI JANGID was told that whatever he made would be bought by him. In the 1950s, for the first piece that he sold to the Nahta family, he got he got a princely (in those days) sum of ₹20 for his effort.
The businessman who bought his art pieces regularly set up the privately-held Nahta Museum which exists at Sardarsahar, some 50 kilometres from Churu. It is not open to the public, but it established the innate skill of MALJI JANGID, as people could see his amazing work being bought by an influential trader.When MALJI found a ready buyer, the fortunes of the Jangids changed forever. Soon, his sons got involved in the craft.


Mahesh Jangid (3rd generation) on May 20, the Jangid family had moved base from Churu in Rajasthan to Jaipur, the capital of the state. Along with his family, including the two little sons, It was going to be a monumental event for the family. He was the third generation to have learnt the craft of miniature carving and was moving to the big city hoping to make it bigger. With the skill honed under the tutelage of his father and grandfather (MALJI JANGID), some tools of the trade and dreams of making it big, the family moved to Jaipur. It was tough. It helped that there were some who admired his craft and were ready to buy the intricately carved products he made on sandalwood.

Mr Mahesh Jangid is 3rd generation of The Jangid Family:

Mahesh Jangid Born in Churu District, Rajasthan, Mahesh learned the art of woodcarving at the age of seven, under the guidance and care of his grandfather, Shri Mal Chand Ji, a renowned artist and a National Award winner. After a basic education, Mahesh gave up studies to devote his life to sandalwood (Santalum album) carving and by the time he was 24, Mahesh had earned his own national carving award for his extraordinary miniature work.
In 1993, he won the National Award for his sandalwood carved hand fan and his extraordinary achievements. Mahesh has shared his passion and techniques with his two sons, who have also gone won few awards and recognitions for their  carvings. Mahesh has broken a number of records with his work, when he carved his fine, delicate smallest jointless chain from a solid piece of sandalwood. The chain is 315mm in length and weighs just 160g. He has also since carved one more jointless chain from another solid piece of sandalwood, this time with the chain measuring 10ft long with 496 links and weighing just 12g, which is the longest wooden jointless chain. Mahesh has two records in the  Limca Book of Records for making these jointless chains and also has a record in the  Indian Book of Records  and one record in the  Global World  Record  for the same pieces. To promote his work, Mahesh participates in national art and crafts exhibitions and fairs, such as Delhi Haat, Suraj Kund Mela, Master Creations Delhi, etc., but he also participates in international art exhibitions and fairs in France, Germany, Egypt, Malaysia, Poland,  Switzerland  and  more. Mahesh looks to his sons for continuing the family tradition. So we can say the M&R Handicrafts roots are Strong Enough.
Next generation of artisans- Mohit & Rohit Jangid: 
MALJi | Online Art Gallery Started by 4th Generation of Jangid family, and Mohit Jangid and Rohit Jangid from the family started this Non Profit Organisation for Wood Carvers, becouse they belongs from wood carving so they know the Value of this Wood Carving Culture & Saving This Culture for next generations.
Mahesh’s son, Mohit, started learning the art since he had just turned a teenager. He went to Greenfield School, Jaipur and after he was back home, he would often spend hours at their home, practicing the craft. His younger brother, Rohit, too followed his footsteps. They actively lend a helping hand to their father even as they hone their own skills.
Mohit and Rohit have both been recognised for their skill by the state, even while they were in school. Little did his classmates or teachers know about their skill. So, when the picture of Mohit receiving the award from Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot was printed in the newspapers, they suddenly became a recognised face in school. Classmates used to pull Mohit’s legs, taunting him for being an artist and having the time to play with them.

Mohit never bothered about being called the artist as he had found his calling early in life.

Rohit Jangid Won State Award in 2016
Over the last few years, Mohit and Rohit have added a new dimension to the business by taking it online. Thanks to taking their art online, they have been able to find art lovers and buyers connect with them from cities across the world. While there are customers who regularly buy the designs that the family carves on sandalwood, they now want to expand their sphere of influence. But there is nothing that the Jangid family has with them as memory.
“Someday I would like to build a museum that can people can come and see the kind of work that the three generations of my family have done. I hope to take their name ahead,” Mohit said. His father, Mahesh, sitting next to him smiled in appreciation.
Click On Read More to find more details about the jangid family 


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